NAME:__________________________ Check:______
Email:______________________ Shipping: min. $65.00 Shipping to be determined on weight and destination via USPS
ADDRESS:_______________________ CA Sales Tax 8%_______
CITY:___________________ State__________ Zip_________ Total:___________
Basic Kit saddle fee: (customer assembles saddle parts) $2995.00
After we have received the paperwork and payment , we will assign you a time that your saddle will be built, this time is only an approximate time frame and depends on how many saddles we have on order and types of saddle that are on order. (Except Express saddles and Saddles in stock.)
All saddles and Kits includes:
___Bone saddle tree: ___ swell or ___ slick fork (Swell
is the red tree and slick is the brown tree), 1 pair of latigos, 1 pair
of 3" stirrup leathers, ___ English
or ___
Western cut sheepskin seat (all kits
and race saddles), Leather name plate (swell fork) see options for initials
charge, crupper ring, nylon strings with cinch clips, strap eyes , footman
loops, ___ pleasure seat (see below for performance price), 1 pair of NASA foam
Leather in Black ___ or Brown___ bars , Narrow Twist, Boz 24" super cinch & cover, Boz 1" Breast collar, trail stirrups
Special Color__________150.00 _____Black___Brown____Other__________ Special order color: $300.00_________
Thigh Rolls______225.00 ( for slick forks)
Sheepskin Style Seat - English has longer flaps_____n/c Western
has shorter flaps _____n/c
Performance Seat (Built up in rear) To push you forward to the withers_____95.00 (45" or less around hips & thighes 26" or less) Left picture
Right picture shows pleasure seat (flat seat) (n/c) You have all the way
back to the cantle
Stirrups4" Trail _____75.00
Engraved Alum _____$150.00(upgrade 75.00) (no longer
available) 3" Pleasure _____75.00
n/c (no longer available) 1 1/2" Performance_____75.00 n/c Laced _____95.00
Oxbow _____75.00 Full covered_____145.00 Laced _____95.00
24" Super Cinch _____75.00 n/c
Other _____
Extra Covers _____50.00
Back Cinch lined _____325.00
Breast CollarOn
left Reg. 1" _____150.00 n/c On right Deluxe(lined)_____250.00
- upgrade 100.00 ____
Border Stamping _____50.00 (On deluxe only)
Boz comfort sponge comfort bars Leather covered in Black or Brown Leather
1" is the normal size but also available in: 1/2" - 3/4" - 1"
- 1 1/4" & 1 1/2" - extra charge for anything larger than 1"
Boz Custom Pad_____240.00 n/c
Western or Large_____265.00 (Western cut has a square back) upgrade 25.00
½", 3/4" &1", nasa foam - 1 pair inserts included ($25.00 extra for 1"nasa foam)
Leather name plate initials_____10.00
Brass name plate ___25.00
Cantle bag:___30.00
Pebble grip___200.00
Gear Bronze
Pebble grip___225.00
Post Dally _____250.00
Wrapped ___165.00 Plus cost of horn
Other __________
Western Stirrup Fenders_____265.00 Border Stamping_____125.00
Halter Bridle Combo: Color _____
Reg___49.95 Lg___54.95 Draft____59.95 Black, Red, Blue or Green
Boz Style Custom Leather Headstalls _____ 125.00
Boz style Leather Drop Noseband attachments_____100.00
Leather Cavasan _____75.00 (Boz headstall)
Leather slobber straps unlined _____30.00
Boz Snaffle _____200.00
Foreman Medium Pelham_____125.00
Boz/Foreman Combo Pelham snaffle - 3" - 5" rein attachments, all in one bit ,now 2 bits in one
shows reins with sticks, martingale, snaffle bit, leather bridle (This is
the control package)
Martingale _____49.95 reg
_____54.95 lg
Color ___________ Black, Red, Blue or Green
(Blue not shown)
Split 18"w/stks_____130.00
24" w/stks _____150.00
30" w/stks _____175.00
18" no snaps _____130.00
with tassles
24" no snaps_____150.00
( w/tassles)
Solid _____65.00 - braided back- Black, Red, Blue or Green
Double Reins Leather for Foreman Bit with 3/4" - 1" martingale stops _____125.00
Lead Ropes 10' _____105.00 (includes a 40.00 snap) - Black, Red, Blue or Green
Monkey Fist _____75.00 Quick release - Black, Red, Blue or Green
(Shown in Black with heavy duty snap $120.00 and with Boz Halter Combo
Boz Specially Designed Spurs 3/4 stainless steel balls complete with leather
Shank _____100.00
Womens _____ Mens _____
No Shank _____100.00
Womens _____ Mens _____
Monte Foreman Horse Training Science
A must have book for Bozzage Training
Book _____65.00 (paperback 49.95)
_____49.95 Riding by Reasoning and Saddle research & Kit building instructions
_____99.95 (2 tapes on 1 DVD) Horsemanship And It is the Footwork that counts
Other item: _____
Other item: ____________
BOZ control package: $400.00 -
Bo with his control package on.
Leather headstall, martingale, 18",24" ir 30" split reins w/sticks, Boz snaffle
A $575.00 value for only $400.00