With World Famous Clinician John "Boz" Bozanich

Clinic Fee: $275.00 per 1 horse and 1 rider (Spectator: $90 per day, includes meals for the day you attend)

HOST: Vickie and Jose Gonzales

DATES: October 12-14, 2012 and May 17-19, 2013

LOCATION: 16311 Gustafson Ave. Patterson, CA 95363


Phone: 209-892-6907


Friday-Arrive, private lessons ($50 added cost) must be arranged in advance. Light dinner available.

Sat: 9 to 4 with an hour lunch

Sun: 9 to 3 with an hour lunch

Clinic fee / spectator fee includes breakfast, lunch and dinner on Saturday, and breakfast and lunch on Sunday.

We have a limited number of pens available at no additional cost. Pen reservation is on a first to pay the clinic fee, first serve basis. If you have a portable pen, there is plenty of room for you to use it. Bring your own feed and tools to clean your pen. Feel free to arrive on Friday whether or not you are taking a private lesson. You may camp. Our showers and bathrooms are available for your use.


(one per person)

Name _________________________________________________________Participant/Spectator (circle one)

Address __________________________________________________________________________________


Phone ____________________________________________________________________________________

Email _____________________________________________________________________________________

Clinic Dates you’re attending: ____________________________________________

Need pen: yes / no (circle one) Pen is not guaranteed.

Private lesson (Friday only) yes / no; arrival time __________________________

Clinic fee: $275 each horse and rider ______________________________

Spectator fee: $90 per person per day _____________________________

Private Lesson ($50 each, available Friday only)______________________

Total Due ____________________________________________________

Make check payable to: Vickie Gonzales

Mail completed form(s) with payment to:

16311 Gustafson Ave.

Patterson, CA 95363

Registration and payment due dates: September 28, 2012 for the October clinic

                                                                May 3, 2013 for the May clinic
