BOZZAGE CLINIC AT BJ & BOB FALLERTS RANCH IN STRATHMORE, CA 5-31-13 - 6-2-13. These are from Saturday, it turned hot for the weekend so everyone was out in the arena bright and early to beat the heat.
7:00 am Early morning start to beat the heat.
John explaining a move to everyone
John explaining a different move.
Randy - Teri Thurbush's horse moved and now he has 5 left ears, she is thinking of joining the circus....
Vickie and Joe working on side passing
Girls turn to work.
Guys have a go at it.
Everyone gathered for the feast that BJ and Bob provide. Great meals everytime!!!!!!
Blackberry cobbler cooked in a Dutch oven by student Nancy Hamill's husband Randy MMMMMM!!! Good and Homemade ice cream by student Karin Callahan
Sunday and another early start...
Looks like everyone is staying in the shade
Shade to more shade and the all important food.....
The Group - You all did a great job and see you next time