We Ride on our FEET not our SEAT To achieve an all SPEED handle, which we call BOZZAGE
"The Ultimate Training System" Hi-Tech Performance Riding For English And Western Collected And Speed Bozzage Combined
2 hands - 1 hand - no hands or with sticks only at all 5 speeds
1. Weight 2. Legs 3. Voice 4 .Reins 5. Sight 6. Sticks
Level #1 - (Walk) Level #2 - (Trot) Level #3 - (Canter & Gallop) Level #4 - (Full Run) 1 12 Foundation Basic Handle
1.___Posting Trot Depart into the correct leads 2.___Forward North 3.___Back South 4.___Forehand Turns L & R 5.___Sidepass East 6.___Sidepass West 7.___2 track North east - forward 8.___2 track North west forward 9.___2 track South east backward 10.___2 track South west backward 11.___Circle left - 50, 25, 6 12.___Circle Right - 50, 25, 6
11 Ways to pick up a Lead L&R leads 22 Total 1.___Posting Trot Depart Circles & Straightaways 2.___Forehand turns left and right into the correct Lead 3. ___Walk 4. ___Standstill 5. ___Back up 6. ___Same lead roll out the same lead 7. ___Same lead roll out the opposite lead 8.___Rollaway out the same lead 9. ___Rollaway out the opposite lead 10. ___360 out the same lead 11. ___360 out the opposite lead
180 degree rolls north to south L& R leads 8 Total 1.___Left lead same lead roll out the same lead 2. ___Left lead - same lead roll out the opposite lead 3.___Left lead - rollaway out the same lead 4.___Left lead - rollaway out the opposite lead 5.___Right lead same lead roll out the same lead 6.___Right lead - same lead roll out the opposite lead 7.___Right lead - rollaway out the same lead 8.___Right lead - rollaway out the opposite lead
13 Lead changes x 2 Lft & Rt =26 Total 1.___Drop to a trot simple change 2.___ Front foot 1st collected 3.___ Front foot 1st speed change 4.___ Hind foot 1st collected change 5.___ Hind foot 1st speed change 6.___ Simultaneous changes 7.___Performance speed change 8.___½ change front only 9.___ ½ change rear only 10.___ Counter to counter changes 11.___ Rollaway 180 degree changes 12.___Same & out 180 degree roll changes 13.___ Bozzage 360 degrees butterfly 4 leaf clover changes, hind foot first changes