BOZ SADDLERY PRESENT " The NEW Race Trainer Saddle at 14 lbs"
You can have either a removable sheepskin seat or removable leather seat. They Velcro on or off. You can interchange them for the type of riding you plan to do. A Performance seat can be added or removed any time. You can attached a horn with 4 bolts at any time for Barrel Racing or any type of event that needs a horn or you can ride it without a horn for endurance or trail. Your choice. The Leather Sponge Bars make it so you don't even need a pad! Call or email today and see all the options you can get with the New Boz Race/Trainer Saddle. Starts at: $5995.00 (as of Jan. 1st. 2023) RACE TRAINER SADDLE WORK SHEET
RENT TO OWN OFFER: This is the only saddle that Boz Saddlery offers a rent to own option. No other model is offered this way for purchase. Click here to see a sample Rent to Own Agreement. Rent to Own sample agreement If this is something you are interested in, please give Boz or Annie a call today and put in your order. 559-542-1269 (remember we are pacific coast time zone)
and performance seat added
for the Race Trainer
Top: Wedges (front, middle & rear), Left: Sheepskin Pick and Stick Seat, Middle: Performance Seat, Right: Leather Pick & Stick Leather Seat
Putting on and off Sheepskin seats or Leather seats.
ground seat.
Putting in the performance seat. About a width of thumb from top.
seat placed in ground seat.
in Leather seat.
seat on top of performance seat.
This shows the proper way to place the Leather Sponge Bars on the Bottom of the
Boz Race Trainer Saddle.
To remove the Sheepskin seat or Leather seat.
Use a plastic spatula to remove seat.
Pulling apart the seat from the ground seat.
Using Boz Wedges for your Race Trainer saddle - Always use the spatula to remove any velcro part on the saddle.
Wedging the Front part of the saddle
Wedging the Rear part of the Saddle
Wedging the whole saddle for more padding everywhere - You can stick all 3 wedges together.
To remove any sponge bars or wedges, ALWAYS USE THE SPATULA TO DO THIS.